The Basic Principles Of Co-codamol

Ja Jums rodas jebkādas blakusparādības, konsultējieties ar savu ārstu vai farmaceitu. Tas attiecas arī uz iespējamajām blakusparādībām, kas nav minētas šajā instrukcijā.

Paracetamols var samazināt lamotrigīna biopieejamību ar iespējamu tā iedarbības samazināšanos, kam pamatā ir nomākts lamotrigīna metabolisms aknās.

feel you must just take far more Co-codamol 15mg/500mg Capsules to have the similar standard of agony aid, this will likely signify you have gotten tolerant to the results of this medicine or are getting to be addicted to it.

Don't take Co-codamol 15mg/500mg Capsules while you're breast-feeding as codeine passes into breast milk and will impact your child.

If you recognize any of the next signals although getting Co-codamol 15mg/500mg Capsules, it could be an indication you have become addicted.

My infant has been prescribed co amoxiclav from Thursday for an mysterious infection. Her blood examination showed crp as significant (fifty three) but they aren't absolutely sure what's creating it as upper body was clear and so have been ears and t… Read through more

Par twelve gadiem vecāki bērni kodeīnu var lietot īslaicīgai vidēji stipru sāpju atvieglošanai, ko nevar get more info mazināt ar citiem pretsāpju līdzekļiem, piemēram, tikai ar paracetamolu vai ibuprofēnu.

Šīs zāles satur kodeīnu. Kodeīns pieder pie zāļu grupas, ko sauc par opioīdu pretsāpju līdzekļiem un kas mazina sāpes. To var lietot vienu pašu vai kombinācijā ar citiem pretsāpju līdzekļiem, piemēram, paracetamolu.

experience sleepy or fatigued - Never travel or use equipment or machinery if you are feeling by doing this. You should not drink any Liquor as this could make you are feeling much more tired.

Co-Codamol nedrīkst lietot vienlaicīgi ar alkoholu, jo tas var nodarīt nopietnu bojājumu Jūsu aknām. Paracetamola lietošanas gadījumā nepastiprināsies alkohola iedarbība.

For instance, if you're in pain after an damage or operation you might have to get it for a handful of days or even weeks. You might have to get it for lengthier When you've got a lengthy-expression condition that causes agony.

Lots of people consider these mediations concurrently by having Naprosyn with each other dose of co-codamol. The sickness can be staggered if the pain is recurring ahead of the following dose. Could co-codamol be powerful as well as citalopram?

ja Jūs lietojat citas paracetamolu saturošas zāles, jo tas var izraisīt nopietnus aknu bojājumus;

centrālās iedarbības muskuļu relaksantus (lieto, lai atvieglotu skeleta – muskuļu sāpes un spazmas);

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